2009 at BioFuel Oasis;  A Fulfilling Year.

To re-cap– we opened our doors on Ashby Ave, May 1st

soon enough our corner sign was blooming with wild flowers..


on a summer night, we held a grand opening for our long time dream–an urban farm supply store.. a ceremonial moment included calling up a handful of local urban farmers to help “raise the barn” city style—  throw open the garage door

slowly we add more and more items our city folk need at your feedstore; strawbales, beekeeping supplies, books, chicken feed, mason jars, and even baby chicks

there was a photoshoot by Choloe Aftel for an article BUST magazine that gave us some hip new group photos

we celebrated Novella’s success with Farm City!  Not only did we get to cheer her on, but we got to share in the success –a boon of book sales and author events at the Oasis and she definitely can’t get out of writing our newsletters now.

if that wasn’t enough..we began hosting workshops and classes on sundays (is there no rest for the Biodevas?) on tantalizing topics– city chickens, backyard beekeeping, mushroom cultivation, olive curing, kraut and gingerbrew fermentation, greywater and more. Check out the current offerings here.

There is more to share about 2009 and what’s gone down at the Oasis — I will have to re-cap more in the next post.  At the core of it, we are a Biodiesel station and the cars roll in and out all day and evening and happy drivers fill up, stop by, and make us happy.